Fantastic Tales from Terra Firma

When a gnome has the courage to follow his heart, he walks what the little folks call the Every Path.

When a gnome has the courage to follow his heart, he walks what the little folks call the Every Path.

It is not a race for the swift, nor a battle for the mighty, rather a righteous journey of the heart which demands the All-Father watch from his celestial abode.”

When an unknown predator stalks the High Basin grazing lands, a young gnome must seek the help of an unlikely ally, to find his missing father.

Trapper and Fen

Cover illustration by Olga Sliegel of Ukraine

They said you were a gnome with grit.

Pa had been clear on all points. He always said, “If a path ain’t got no heart, you must not follow it, not for any reason—but if it does got heart, then you’d best oblige yourself. On account of doin’ good ain’t got no end. Like a pebble thrown in a pond, one kind act ripples outward in all directions. It affects others—for the betterment. How far the ripple may travel—no one can rightly say."


The Tree of Despair


The Legend of Hondo